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We Are Nightmares Clothing

Some days are never easy. They hurt, they’re messy and dark; they make you feel like you’d rather not want to keep going.

What's worse than that feeling? Toxic positivity, invalidation of feelings, and useless advice given by people who can't relate to your struggle.

Welcome to Nightmares Clothing, designed for those moments where you don't just want to "get over it". Nightmares represents the dark side of our mental health battle. Those moments where putting on that sad song you love brings you comfort or for those times where you just want to spend all day doing something that brings you joy without judgment from others.

The world always tells us to get over it when we are down but no one ever tells you to embrace your pain so you can learn from it rather than continue to brush it aside for the need of putting on a temporary happy face.

At Nightmares, we want you to embrace that darkness and learn from all those emotions so we can fight them off...for good.

A portion of all sales made with Nightmares Clothing will be donated to a fund created to help create programs for assistance with Mental Health. All supporters of Nightmares will have access to these funds.

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